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Living My Best Life: A $20 Million Daydream

I've been playing a little thought experiment lately: If I had $20 million in the bank, how would I want to live my life? It's not about the money per se, but about imagining a life where financial constraints aren't the primary driver of my decisions. Here's what I've come up with.

Work: Finding the Sweet Spot

With financial freedom, I'd aim for a work schedule that balances productivity and passion:

  • 2-3 days a week of focused work
  • Flexibility to pursue projects I'm truly excited about
  • Time for creative exploration and learning

The goal isn't to stop working, but to work on things that truly matter to me, still enjoy learning and teaching.

Living Space: A Home That Inspires

My dream home would be a space that nurtures creativity and relaxation:

  • Spacious, with plenty of room for hosting friends
  • A dedicated home office for those work days
  • A killer outdoor setup for grilling and chilling
  • A pool for daily swims and relaxation
  • High-end audio system for immersive music experiences
  • Iconic furniture pieces like an Eames chair and Noguchi lamps

It's not just about luxury, but about creating an environment that fuels my passions and supports my lifestyle.

Activities: Pursuing Passions

With more time and resources, I'd dive deeper into the activities that bring me joy:


  • Regular sessions to hone my craft
  • Potentially pursuing an apprenticeship or hosting a show
  • Exploring hand-building techniques
  • Creating functional art, like fish-serving plates

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

  • Low-intensity training 2-3 times a week
  • Focus on technique and enjoyment rather than competition
  • Staying injury-free and maintaining fitness

Swimming and Spearfishing

  • Daily swims in my home pool for fitness
  • Occasional spearfishing trips to connect with nature
  • Learning to prepare the fish I catch

Travel: Expanding Horizons

With financial freedom, I'd approach travel more intentionally:

  • Quarterly cross-country trips (2 weeks each)
  • Annual international trip to Europe or Japan
  • Two freediving trips per year, possibly swimming with whales or orcas

The key is balancing adventure with my home-based passions and work commitments.

Lifestyle: Quality Over Quantity

Money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly improve quality of life:

  • High-quality, varied meals (possibly with a personal chef)
  • Regular entertainment (monthly jazz or comedy shows)
  • Hosting friends for dinners and gatherings
  • House cleaner and personal assistant for support

The goal is to create a life rich in experiences and connections, not just possessions.

Personal Growth: Never Stop Learning

Even with financial security, I'd continue investing in myself:

  • Educating myself on investing and financial management
  • Being more selective with commitments and relationships
  • Focusing on "hell yes" experiences and friendships
  • Writing more, both for personal growth and to share insights

Reflections on This Exercise

This thought experiment isn't about daydreaming of wealth. It's about understanding what truly matters to me and how I can start incorporating elements of this ideal life into my current reality.

Some key takeaways:

  1. Balance is crucial - even with unlimited resources, I'd want a mix of work, play, and personal growth.
  2. Experiences and relationships matter more than possessions.
  3. Health and wellness are non-negotiable, regardless of wealth.
  4. Creativity and learning remain central to my ideal life.

While I may not have $20 million, this exercise has clarified my priorities and given me a roadmap for the life I want to create. It's a reminder that many aspects of our "ideal" life are within reach if we're intentional about our choices.

What would your $20 million life look like? More importantly, what elements of that life can you start incorporating today?
