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Applied AI Consulting Services

I'm not your typical consultant. For better or for worse, I've been in the trenches more than I'd like, and my goal is to help you minimize regret by sharing my lessons with you and giving you a clear vision on what to invest in and what to build.

I have worked with leading companies on AI products such as Limitless AI, Sandbar, Raycast, Tensorlake, Dunbar, Bytebot, Naro, Trunk Tools, New Computer,, Modal Labs, Pydantic, and Weights & Biases.

Take a look, and shoot me an email about what your team is looking for.

More Background
  • Led feasibility research and integrated AI models like VAE-GAN and GPT-3, boosting revenue by $50M.

  • Oversaw a $400,000 budget for impactful AI data curation.

  • Over three years, I spearheaded the creation of a robust recommendation framework and observability tools, handling 350 million daily requests.

Throughout my career in the tech industry, I've had the privilege of working with both established organizations such as Stitchfix, Meta, and NYU, as well as startups including Rewind AI, Naro, Trunk Tools, New Computer, Modal Labs, and Weights & Biases.

In these collaborations, I've tackled diverse areas including personalization, search, data generation and management, sales, marketing, infrastructure, finance, and agent-based modeling.

Problems I Solve

My expertise includes retrieval-augmented generation, query understanding, prompt engineering, embedding finetuning, and MLOps observability.

You should consider hiring me if …

  • You don't know how to improve your LLM products systematically.
  • You are overwhelmed by tools & frameworks.
  • Feel lost on what to prioritize and what experiments you should run.
  • Need outside expertise to evaluate your needs and vet potential talent.


I offer two types of services, depending on your needs:

1. Strategic Consulting

I will help you cut through the bloat of implementing an AI strategy to improve your team's productivity and, in turn, help you grow revenue and increase market cap. Reach out via email to get started.

Here’s what you get:

  • On-Demand Guidance: Asynchronous access, email, slack, adhoc meetings for strategic advice and overcoming challenges.
  • Growth & Efficiency: Enhance your team's skills and streamline AI/ML processes.
  • Expert Network: Connect with leading specialists across various fields to expand your business network.
  • Hiring: Help you understand the quantitative skills needed for upcoming AI and ML roles.

2. Comprehensive Consulting

I work hands-on with your team to help them improve their AI capabilities. This option is perfect for engineering teams looking to accelerate their AI development process, evaluate new technologies, improve their AI capabilities, and train their engineers to think about AI more strategically.

In addition to everything mentioned in strategic consulting, you receive:

  • Quick Prototyping & Research: Conduct rapid feasibility studies and develop prototypes for AI/ML projects.
  • Data & Production Support: Assist in building and launching data-driven products, with a focus on continuous improvement and production readiness.
  • Optimization Guidance: Provide strategies to improve data collection, labeling, and quality.
  • Domain-Specific Evaluation Systems: Design and implement custom evaluation systems to measure the performance and reliability of your LLMs.
  • Hands-On Model Optimization: Fine-tune, prompt engineer, and debug models to improve performance and efficiency.
  • Development Tools and Infrastructure: Build custom tools and infrastructure to streamline your AI development process.
  • Content and Writing: Produce written documents and blogs to communicate best practices, methodologies, and practical case studies to your stakeholders.
  • Team Growth & Hiring: Work with 2-4 people individually on your team to rapidly upskill them on AI. I will also help you source and evaluate key hires.


I work on a monthly retainer basis. The cost depends on the tier of service you choose:


  • Strategic Consulting: $14,575/month

  • Comprehensive Consulting: $118,300 for a minimum 3 month commitment

To discuss starting an engagement, please contact me at [email protected]. You can also book a paid call if you need immediate short-form advice.

Current and Past Clients

  • Timescale: Timescale is a time-series database for PostgreSQL, offering scalable and performant time-series data storage.
  • Limitless AI: Limitless AI is a personal memory assistant that helps you remember, organize, and navigate your life.
  • Modal Labs: Modal specializes in cloud functions, offering a platform for running generative AI models, large-scale batch jobs, and more.
  • Pydantic: Pydantic provides data validation and settings management using Python type annotations, enforcing type hints at runtime with user-friendly error handling.
  • Raycast: Raycast is a blazingly fast, totally extendable launcher. It lets you complete tasks, calculate, share common links, and much more.
  • Weights & Biases: Wandb provides a platform for tracking machine learning experiments, offering tools for visualization, comparison, and collaboration in ML projects.
  • Trunk Tools: Trunk Tools addresses the skilled labor shortage in construction, enhancing workforce productivity through AI-based tools.
  • Tensorlake: Build Knowledge for LLMs from un-structured data
  • Sandbar: A human-AI interface company
  • Dunbar: Dunbar brings your connections together in one place to open doors you didn't know existed.
  • Bytebot: With Bytebot, creating web tasks is as easy as writing a prompt.
  • Naro: Naro sits in the background, using contextual clues to proactively select the right content and messaging for each customer conversation, from emails to meetings.
  • New Computer: Dot by New Computer is an intelligent guide designed to help you remember, organize, and navigate your life.
  • Retrieve relevant context from the semantic web for your LLM apps with fully hosted embeddings.

If you have further questions about my past work or what I can do for your project and team, get in touch via email